Sydney Jewellery School understands that it is not always possible to travel overseas or interstate to participate with world class artists, so we do the hard work and bring them to you!
These classes are in high demand, so don't miss out, make sure you sign up for our newsletter which also includes early notification of any new event.
We are proud to have hosted the following amazing artists in the past and we look forward to bringing new and exciting teachers, techniques and skills to our students.
* Tim McCreight - Master Metalsmith
* Marjorie Simon - Metalsmith and Enamellist
* Deb Karash - Metal Work and Colouring
* Melanie Muir - Polymer Clay
* Cindy Durant - Glass Artist
* Barbara Becker Simon - Metalsmith, Metal Clay and Glass Artist
* Robert Dancik - Metalsmith and Mixed Media Artist
* Tory Hughes - Polymer Clay
* Hadar Jacobson - Metal Clay
* Sherri Haab - Multi Media Artist
* Thomas Mann - Metalsmith
* Wendy Moore - Polymer Clay
For full details on current classes on offer, simply click on the artists name below.